Trish’s photography work often expresses environmental issues and is frequently inspired by ideas of topophilia, biophilia and solastalgia.
The word topophilia comes from the Greek words topos, meaning “place” and -philia, meaning “love of”. It is therefore a love of a particular place. Trish’s work sometimes aims to communicate the love of small, anonymous, rural locations in
Ireland through digital photography.
Also to be seen in Trish’s work is the chronicling of biophilia, broadly meaning a love of living things. In her work, Trish attempts to evoke a connection with the wildlife of small, even insignificant places.
Solastalgia is a neologism describing the sadness or upset felt in relation to ecosystem distress. The philosopher Glenn Albrecht coined this term and described it as ‘the homesickness you have when you are still at home’. Through witnessing environmental damage close to home, a person can be solastalgic due to the change wrought by that damage. Trish’s work attempts to visually communicate the feeling of solastalgia.